Vegetable flood mitigation and yield stabilization


Recently, affected by Typhoon "Dusu Rui", North China, Huanghuai, Northeast China and other places in the extreme rainfall, triggering serious flooding, resulting in damage to vegetable facilities and vegetable fields were flooded, the local vegetable supply and fall and winter vegetable production is not conducive. In order to ensure stable production and supply of vegetables, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development recently issued an emergency notice, requiring all levels of agriculture and rural departments to implement the responsibility to strengthen the guidance, and effectively grasp the current disaster mitigation and fall and winter vegetable production.

The responsibility for stabilizing production and maintaining supply. Vegetables are necessities for urban and rural residents, directly related to basic livelihoods, price stability. By Typhoon "Dusu Rui" impact, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and other regions suffered serious flooding, not only affecting the current supply of vegetable production in the affected areas, but also affect the fall vegetable planting, will be the national fall and winter vegetables to ensure supply and price stability to bring greater pressure. All localities should raise the political position, pressure "vegetable basket" mayor responsible system, effectively strengthen the sense of responsibility and urgency of the vegetable supply, strengthen the guidance service, integrated grasp the production development, production and marketing, circulation and transportation, market control, quality and safety work, do everything possible to resolve the adverse effects of the disaster, to ensure stable vegetable production, supply Adequate.

Implement disaster relief and mitigation measures. The open ground timely flooding moisture, as soon as possible through artificial dredging dredging, mechanical ditching, pumping and other measures to reduce the field water level and soil moisture content, ready for fall sowing. Temporarily can not be sown fields, can be organized to focus on seedling, transplanting in due course. Facilities to grasp the drainage reinforcement, discharge shed open water, to clear the sunshine gradually reduce soil moisture. Check the degree of damage to the structure of the facility, especially the soil wall greenhouse to check the risk of wall collapse, the risk of small timely repair and reinforcement, the risk of large professionals to assess, repair or demolition and reconstruction. Strengthen the humidity and disease prevention, the growth of poor, weak resistance to the field, timely spraying of antagonists and diclofenac manganese zinc, Chlorothalonil and other protective fungicides to enhance plant resistance to disease. For infected plants, comprehensively take agricultural control and pharmaceutical control measures to curb the high incidence of disease. Pay attention to the alternation of medication and observe the safety interval of pesticide use.

Stabilize fall-sown vegetable production. Strengthen the production preparation, guide farmers to make full use of the high temperature sunny days, timely stubble rectification, clean up the field residual plants, do a good job of boring kang land, soil disinfection, and at the same time in advance of the preparation of agricultural materials, for the next crop of vegetable production to create favorable conditions. Do a good job of stubble convergence, combined with the vegetable disaster situation and perennial consumption habits, strengthen the sub-species of vegetable supply and demand situation research and judgment, guide the planting of different kinds of different fertility varieties of vegetables, especially replanting and replanting of leafy vegetables must adhere to the staged sowing, batches of listing, to avoid centralized listing. Strengthen the intensive nursery, promote modern nursery technology, conditions to take the germination room germination seedlings, grasp the nursery management to cultivate strong seedlings, planting before the high temperature refining, improve the adaptability of vegetable seedlings. Strengthen the nursery production scheduling and inter-regional transfers to ensure the supply of seedlings in the affected areas.

District policy to grasp the production. "South vegetables north" vegetable production areas, to give full play to the southern region of winter light temperature advantages, tapping the winter field resources, according to local conditions to expand the winter vegetable production, increase the amount of transfer to the northern region. The Yangtze River Basin and the south of the producing areas, open field vegetables in an orderly manner to organize onion and garlic vegetables field sowing and cruciferous vegetables ladder seedling, after the summer gradually planting, facility vegetables using the shade gradually carry out the return to the autumn tomato, fruits, melons and beans vegetables seedling planting. Northern facility vegetable production areas, stable development of energy efficient modern facility vegetable production, do a good job of facility fruit and vegetable autumn and winter crop and winter crop seedling production preparation, especially by the disaster affected areas to resume production as soon as possible, do a good job of replanting replanting to increase winter and spring real estate supply of fresh vegetables. Suburban emergency vegetable production, for the possible disastrous weather in autumn and winter, early hands early preparation, make full use of unused greenhouses on the outskirts of the city, improve the utilization rate of the existing vegetable land, expanding vegetable production, and make good preparations for emergency supply.

Ensure smooth supply and circulation. Continuously strengthen the vegetable production, circulation, consumption of all aspects of information monitoring, timely release of production and market information, stabilize social expectations, and guide the production and management of the main body to rationalize the arrangement of vegetable varieties, planting scale, listing schedule. Affected areas should take into account the supply of autumn and winter vegetables, as soon as possible to plant fast-growing vegetables, while coordinating the supply and marketing channels of winter vegetables, orderly organization of transportation and put, to prevent the emergence of out-of-stock off-sale. Cooperate with the traffic, public security departments, the implementation of fresh and live agricultural products transportation "green channel" policy, reduce circulation costs, improve circulation efficiency, promote cold chain transportation, strengthen preservation measures, reduce post-harvest loss, and promote rapid and orderly inter-regional transfers.

For vegetable production, Qingdao Sapphire recommends the following two plant growth regulators to promote vegetable growth and early market.

1. Seaweed extract

【Product characteristics】

ØImported raw materials of foamy algae, high fertilizer efficiency, low mu dosage;

ØNutrient-rich, high content of active ingredients needed for plant growth and development;

ØLow cost, can appropriately reduce the use of other fertilizers and pesticides;

ØSafe, environmentally friendly, no toxic side effects on humans and animals, no pollution to the environment;

ØWith U.S. OMRI and EU REACH double certification.

Product efficacy

Ø Rooting and yield increase: stimulate the sprouting of new roots, promote the growth of the root system, strengthen the root mass and increase the yield;

ØFlowering and fruit expansion: promote leaf bud differentiation, improve pollination and fruit set rate, promote fruit expansion, coloring, and increase sugar content;

ØResistance and quality enhancement: enhance the crop's resistance to pests and diseases, drought, freezing and waterlogging.

2. fish protein

【Product Characteristics】

ØImported cod skin as raw material, comprehensive nutrients;

ØPure enzymatic process, mild reaction, well preserved active ingredients, high content of small peptides;

ØThorough hydrolysis, no large molecule protein, no seedling burning;

ØThe quick-acting is obvious, and it has significant effect on healing of crops after injury, with 800g per mu;

ØFish protein products have the U.S. OMRI certification.

Product efficacy

Ø Leaf fertilizer and fruit expansion: the free amino acids contained in the plant organs directly absorbed, with a short period of time after the use of leaf surface fat and shiny;

Ø coloring and sweetening: fish protein into the plant body, a variety of enzyme activities to enhance the fruit coloring and ripening ahead of time, to achieve high yields and increase production value;

Ø Anti-freezing and early ripening: containing unsaturated fatty acids, after absorbed by the crop, it can keep the fluidity of cell membrane, maintain the integrity of cell membrane, lower the freezing point of water in the plant body, thus playing the role of anti-freezing, and at the same time, it can promote the early ripening of the crop, shorten the growth cycle, and market earlier;

Ø Comprehensively and balancedly provide crops with nutrition, fast green leaves, stimulate and enhance the plant's own immune function, improve the soil granular structure, and more than ten times the activity to guarantee the propagation of soil microorganisms.