Fruit, vegetable and tea production response to high temperature and drought


According to the Central Weather Station forecasts, the recent stage of China's North China, Northwest, Southwest and Central China, East China, part of the region will be high temperature or sustained high temperature weather, some areas of meteorological drought may develop, in order to mitigate the adverse effects of disastrous weather on the production of horticultural crops, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Planting Management Division of the organization of the National Agricultural Extension and Service Center, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, vegetables, fruit trees, tea expert steering group and the relevant Industrial Technology System, the study puts forward fruit and vegetable tea to deal with high temperature and drought production technology guidance.

   Ⅰ, vegetables

    (A) to strengthen anti-high-temperature drought management

    1. Strengthen sunshade to preserve moisture. Facility vegetables through the sunshade net cover, wet curtain cooling, spray cooling, surface paving grass and other ways, focusing on strengthening fruit and vegetable sun protection and moisture conservation measures to reduce direct sunlight, reduce the temperature of the root zone of the vegetables; at the same time, remove the senescence of withered and yellow leaves, weakening the transpiration of the plant, reduce water evaporation, and promote the growth of vegetables.

    2. Actively draw water for irrigation. The use of drip irrigation or small ditch seepage irrigation, etc., the emergence of drought conditions in the field for emergency irrigation; in the harvest period of fruit and vegetables should be appropriate with the water fertilizer. Irrigation should be carried out in the morning and evening when the weather is cool, avoid high temperatures at noon when the water flood irrigation. Artificial rainfall can be used to alleviate drought conditions.

    3. Grasp the pest prevention and control. During the high temperature and drought, powdery mildew, rust and other airborne diseases and whiteflies, oblique moths and other insect pests are prone to aggravate the occurrence of high efficiency, low-toxicity, low-residue pesticides should be selected in a timely manner for prevention and control. High-temperature weather should be selected before 8:00 a.m. or 5:00 p.m. after the application of prevention and control, to avoid high temperatures caused by pesticide evaporation, or liquid burns the plant to form drug damage.

    4. Timely harvesting market. Timely harvesting of vegetables to meet the harvesting standards; the affected fields to seize the harvest still have commercial value of vegetables, minimize economic losses.

   (B) actively promote the production of fall sowing

    1. Do a good job of smothering the bed. Vegetable facilities in the field after the removal of residual plants, can be sprayed wet, film closed, high-temperature smothering; open field vegetables should be timely deep turning, high-temperature kang ground, kill soil pests and germs, for the autumn crop of vegetable production to create favorable environmental conditions.

    2. Popularize water and fertilizer integration. Scale vegetable production bases should build water and fertilizer integration facilities, popularize the application of precision irrigation and fertilization technology, as far as possible to achieve water-saving high-yield and efficient production.

    3. Seize the opportunity to sow leafy vegetables. Seize the vegetables "autumn fade" during the higher prices favorable opportunity to accelerate the whole land sowing a number of fast-growing leafy vegetables, can choose drought-resistant, heat-resistant vegetable varieties, such as short green cabbage, amaranth, leafy potatoes tip, early celery, oilseed rape and other fast-growing leafy vegetables.

    4. Actively cultivate strong seedlings. Localities should actively organize intensive nurseries to cultivate vegetable seedlings, nursery facilities pay attention to good shading and cooling, the use of 30-50% of the shade net, to avoid high temperature burn seedlings and low light futile.

    5. Do a good job of shading and sun protection. Around the world to actively mobilize the preparation of autumn sowing vegetable seeds, the organization successively sowing autumn sowing vegetables, fruit and vegetable seedlings transplanted in a timely manner, seedlings and transplanted in the event of hot weather should be covered with shade net. Light-loving vegetables choose a lower shade rate of silver gray shade net, shade-loving low light vegetables choose a higher shade rate of black shade net.

    II. Fruit trees

   (A) strengthen irrigation and cooling sunscreen

    High-temperature heat damage generally occurs at the same time as drought, should be reasonable irrigation to improve soil moisture, reduce the orchard soil temperature, alleviate high-temperature drought damage. In the early morning or evening, the use of sprinkler irrigation, micro-sprinkler irrigation or drip irrigation, such as a small number of irrigation, to avoid flooding. Take cavity irrigation, furrow irrigation, in the tree crown drip line around the digging 2-4 loose soil pit, width and depth of about 30cm, each time in the loose soil pit position irrigation, improve the irrigation effect. Irrigation time should try to avoid high temperature hours, to avoid cold water irrigation to exacerbate the physiological wilting of the tree. According to the temperature situation can be sprayed on the canopy cooling and humidification, improve the orchard microclimate, alleviate the high temperature and direct sunlight on the tree and fruit damage. Young orchard, facility cultivation of fruit trees or higher economic benefits of the orchard can take shade net cover, reduce direct sunlight, cover, pay attention to cover can not directly contact the plant.

   (ii) Strengthen the soil and tree management

    Loosening the soil, grass and ground cover can significantly reduce the surface temperature and slow down water evaporation. Orchard should be retained outside the tree plate shallow root short straw, on the basis of irrigation, the conditions of the orchard shallow loose topsoil or in the tree plate covered with straw, hulls, weeds, biodegradable grass cloth, etc., to increase the role of moisturizing and thermal insulation, and enhance the ability of the fruit trees to cool down the drought. Adequate pruning of branches and leaves, cultivate a reasonable tree. High temperature and low humidity environment is easy to outbreak of red spider, yellow spider and other insect pests, pay attention to disease and insect monitoring, timely prevention and control. Timely harvesting of ripe fruit, reduce yield loss and tree water nutrition consumption. At the same time, do a good job of preventing high temperature and drought and heavy rainfall and flooding emergency response, easy to accumulate water in the orchard, clean and dredge the drainage ditch in advance, should ensure that the depth of the main drainage ditch to reach more than 60cm.

   (C) do a good job after the damage recovery management

    After the occurrence of high-temperature heat damage, the first thing to do is to ensure that the amount of water held in the field is stable. Heat damage after drought tree weakness, root damage, root nutrient absorption capacity decline, can be sprayed through the foliar potassium phosphate to increase the quality of fruit tree leaves, improve the photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate. If the persistent high temperature and drought after the rain, easy to crack the fruit, should not be immediately root application of large amounts of fertilizer, can be sprayed at the right time once 0.2% -0.4% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.5% potassium nitrate and other foliar fertilizers, to promote the recovery of the tree, to prevent the second loss after the rain. After the relief of high temperature and drought, timely pruning of dead branches, for the fruit trees with a relatively large amount of dead branch tips, the incision should be treated with preservatives in a timely manner. Promptly clean up plants with no salvage value, and replant seedlings in a timely manner when the weather is suitable.

   Ⅲ,the tea plantation

   (A) to strengthen anti-high-temperature drought management

    1. Covering shade. The use of shelves and other ways to cover the tea canopy with shade nets, reduce direct light intensity. Shade net should be higher than 50cm above the tea tree, to avoid close to the tea tree caused by scalding.

    2. Grass mulching. In the tea garden between the rows of grass cover. About 1 ton of hay per acre, the thickness of grass 5-10cm, can be cut grass and weeds, or straw, straw, straw, soybean straw, bagasse, wood chips and tea garden pruning branches and leaves as a source of grass.

    3. Timely irrigation. Before the arrival of high temperature and drought, advance construction of cisterns, ditches, channels, etc., the installation of plastic rain cellar, sprinkler drip irrigation and other water-saving irrigation facilities. When the relative water content of the tea plantation till soil down to about 70%, or the average daily temperature of 28 ℃ above and 7-10 days without rain, in the morning and evening every day to irrigate water.

   (B) good post-disaster recovery management

    1. Tree management. The basic relief of high temperatures, tea garden soil wet, timely treatment of tea plantations, for heavy damage to the tea plantations, in the tea tree withered parts of the following 1-2cm below the dead branches have been cut off; for mild or moderate damage to the tea plantations, may not do pruning, stay branches to raise the canopy.

    2. timely replenishment of seedlings. Young tea plantations appear dead seedlings should be replenished in a timely manner to avoid the lack of broken rows.

    3. Reasonable fertilization. Young tea garden drought season available 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate water solution for extra-radical fertilization. Producing tea garden in the drought can be open ditch application of composite fertilizer or organic fertilizer, fertilizer according to the tea planting density, growth, etc. to determine. General can be 20-30kg per mu of compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer 500kg or more, can also be appropriate spray foliar fertilizer.

    4. Stay in the fall tea. Drought tea garden, whether or not pruning, autumn tea should be retained, in order to re-strengthen the canopy. After the tea tree stops growing in late fall, the tea buds are still young and green, it is appropriate to carry out a top or light pruning.